Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 25

guilty for not being more satisfied with their blessed life . Other perspectives include :
Life is on cruise control . They can see possibility and yet don ’ t take risks to move toward their dreams .
Follow other people ’ s lead ( society ) of how life is lived . Feel like a passenger in life .
They wonder if what they have is really what they want .
Guilt is the bumper pad that keeps them safe within limits . I would do this but . . . ( guilt ).
Life is a rut , somewhat boring and confusing because it has actually become comfortable .
Not sure if who they identify with is their authentic self .
An underlying dominant feeling is guilt .

Guidepost # 3 : The Radically Engaged

The Radically Engaged Life™ finds life a magical journey full of meaning . We look for and are inspired by new experiences and challenging opportunities . Other perspectives include :
Understand we aren ’ t passengers rather we are creating our own definition of what it means to live !
Fully live and experience the life we want rather than coveting others ’ lives .
Controversy and hurt feelings are taken care of with our full presence and care .
We are present and connected to the ebbs and flows of our day .
We know we always have a choice
We don ’ t worry about making waves ( right and wrong ) instead we focus on doing what works and what is meaningful .
Relationships are deep and vulnerable allowing for authentic intimacy .
Deeply enthusiastic about facing challenges because we know they will happen and offer us personal growth .
Understand we are a work-inprogress and feel great pleasure in being responsible for creating and shaping our own realities .
See the world filled with exciting and unlimited possibilities for growth and progress .
Dominant feelings are freedom , passion , gratitude and joy .
In the coming issues of Aspire , I will take you on a deeper dive into the foundational components and give you tools and strategies to implement that will support you in transforming the key areas of your life to be Radically Engaged .
Until then , get started by getting the Radically Engaged Living™ eBook and audio gift . Start your Radically Engaged Living journey today !
XO ,


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