Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 19


Our desires , hopes , and ambitions make us human , but when they are in alignment with our true selves , they also fuel our purpose .

can grow . Whether this seed will flourish or remain hidden underground depends ― you guessed it ― on your beliefs .
Your desires drive your actions and decisions every day . As human beings , we inherently strive to create more good things in our lives , like fulfillment , security , vitality , success , love , joy , and inner peace . We also strive to fulfill the purpose we were born to . Our desires , hopes , and ambitions make us human , but when they are in alignment with our true selves , they also fuel our purpose .
In order to use the power of desire to create a bigger , better reality , we need to learn to differentiate between the two internal voices that guide us and shape our beliefs . One of these voices is ego ― the touchy , vulnerable sense of self that prefers the safety of the status quo than the challenge of change and expansion . The ego thrives on tripping us up in order to prove itself right , and must
From the moment we get out of bed in the morning , we are moving toward something we want , even if it ’ s something as simple as that first sip of coffee . But our bigger desires ― the desires that plant the seeds of lifelong happiness , abundance , and health ― aren ’ t always so simple to fulfill . In order for these desires to bloom into our reality , we need to make sure that our beliefs nourish them on both the conscious and subconscious levels .
Do you believe that you ’ re worthy of the life you desire ? Or , when you ’ re alone , and things are quiet , do you hear a secret inner voice saying , “ You ’ re not good enough for that ?” If so , it won ’ t matter how much you shout your ambitions to the outside world , because the beliefs which create your thoughts , actions , and habits aren ’ t lining up with what you say you want . be quieted before we can hear the other inner voice , the one that really matters .
Our second inner voice is the voice of Source . This is the voice that says , “ Yes , you can !” and “ You are meant for this .” It ’ s the voice that speaks your deepest , truest dreams and desires ― the ones that really fulfill you and move you forward .
How do you tell the difference between Source and ego ? When you are alone and envisioning the life of your dreams , pay attention to what your first vision looks like : the dream that shows itself before your ego