Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Dec19/Jan20 Aspire Mag FINAL | Page 36

When we desire to lead others, we must be the change by the power of our own presence. Keeping our eyes and heart fixed upon helping others awaken to and feel their own mystery unlocks a power portal and dormant potential within. When we desire to lead others, we must be the change by the power of our own presence. It is important to be on the lookout for the “extra plus” in others. Then, to the extent we have freed ourselves, we can help others understand their conditioned patterns so that they can free themselves, awaken to their sacred purpose and accomplish their destiny. When we truly want to help another, our focus is always on excavating the “pearl of great price” within them. Once activated, then we can empower them to create the optimal conditions for its emergence. 36 The most important conditions and attitudes leaders can embody to help others flourish in our presence is: Caring about their well being Safety Authenticity and Vulnerability Confidentiality Non-judgment Unconditional Positive Regard Compassion Heart-Centered Presence  SEEN at the heart of themselves no matter what energy they are in Faith in the life within them Celebration of their unique magnificence and of their wins The generosity of presence and heart  Expressing what we see and gratitude for them  Empowering them to become their best selves Respect for their freedom and choices It is important to understand that it is not just about what we do for others that creates this sacred container for their becoming. It is the degree of presence to them and the space we hold for them that creates the vibrational shift. In order to truly be helpful, refrain from advice- giving. Ask them questions and help them activate their guidance system. Empower them to take inspired action. Let go of any rescuing, saving or fixing them and activate their awareness of their sovereignty to become the best version of themselves. Each of us has access to the answers within us. When we live in our hearts and connect with others at that level, we are in the miracle zone. When we learn to move with the intelligence of our hearts, we create | December 2019 / January 2020