Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Dec19/Jan20 Aspire Mag FINAL | Page 31

feeling, an inkling, intuition, or inner knowing that is trying to get your attention. Anxiety is one of these. Anxiety is a state of physical, emotional, and/ or spiritual imbalance. It’s not trying to make your life miserable. On the contrary, it helps you anticipate major life changes and take the inspired steps to create your future. It shows you there is spiritual information you need to pay attention to and what unresolved issues need to be healed. Such healing can lead to personal transformation and ultimately, making necessary life changes. Here are three anxiety-soothing strategies to help you embrace your anxiety as part of your Spiritual Guidance System and to discern the spiritual information it is giving you. These sacred strategies target the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of anxiety, take only a few minutes, and can be used anytime. hysically 1   P Grounding Your Energies: This practice helps you ground your physical body during times of anxiety or panic. Whenever you feel anxious, your energy tends to collect around the top of your head It’s not easy to view your anxiety as a spiritual guide especially from the vantage point of where you are now. But, for the moment, put “anxiety is a bad thing” mindset aside and bring your anxiety close to you like a long, lost friend. Trust that your anxiety has served you well and will serve you even more if you accept it and lean into it as a spiritual guide. ANXIETY IS A STATE OF PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, AND/OR SPIRITUAL IMBALANCE. which can feel like you’re detached from the rest of your body. This rush of energy to your head may feel like you’re unsteady, dizzy, or faint. When you’re ungrounded, you can feel disoriented or discombobulated. Sit or stand in a comfortable place and gently close your eyes. Take a few deep intentional breaths, inhaling oxygen and life force energy and exhaling anxiety or panic. Begin at the top of your head and direct your energy down through your entire body to your feet. Focus on how your feet feel against the floor or ground. Once you have focused your attention here, tap your feet on the ground until you really feel the energy here. Visualize your energy going down into the earth beneath your feet as if you were a tree rooting into the ground. Stay here and release your energies into the ground for detoxing. Open your eyes and stay here a few moments. Repeat this practice as many times as you need until you feel your energies redistributed and rebalanced. Doing this outside in nature on grass or moss enhances the grounding and calming effect. You can also do this with your eyes open and mindfully moving. Use this grounding exercise when you move 31