Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Dec19/Jan20 Aspire Mag FINAL | Page 24

We honestly can’t expect others to see our full worth until we honor it entirely ourselves. of becoming self-aware as waking up. Once wide awake to what is working in your life and what isn’t, you will start to make better choices for yourself with a newfound awareness. Self-acceptance We can’t, however, change a situation we are in, or something about ourselves, until we acknowledge it, and then accept it. When you agree, a relationship is over, for example, or that you’re in the wrong career, that is the moment you can start the healing journey and make positive changes. Or when you accept that behaviors or habits are bad for you, you can work on adjusting or improving it. Self-acceptance can be a moment of ‘A-ha’ or gradual. Embrace all that you already are and choose to accept. In some ways, acceptance is like forgiveness. It doesn’t mean we agree with what has happened, but it does mean we accept what is and start from there. We stop letting the past hurt our present. Through pain, there is an opportunity to heal feelings brought to the surface, which would otherwise lie dormant. 24 We are all a work in progress, continually learning. Staying in relationships that have run their course prevents new ones from developing for both parties. Equally, when we focus on the things, we don’t like about ourselves, we fail to see beautiful qualities we do possess and can share with the world. We honestly can’t expect others to see our full worth until we honor it entirely ourselves. Self-love When we are self-aware and self-accepting, we can love ourselves warts and all. The love you have for yourself reflects in the relationships around you. I’ve watched many of my clients fall in love with themselves, and their lives transform as a result. Learn how to meet your needs before you look for someone or something to meet them for you. The search for validation outside of yourself, and settling for less than you want, all changes when you love yourself. If you want a healthy, loving relationship, then begin by giving yourself that same support, love, strength, and care you would want from a partner, friend, or family member. All relationships are mirrors reflecting the healed and the unhealed within you. Bravery is rewarding. When we open our hearts, we become emotionally vulnerable, but we also open up to the chance that we may love and be loved beyond our wildest dreams. We attract what we are willing to give. Start celebrating yourself, stop putting yourself down, and comparing yourself with others. “I am enough” is a simple, powerful statement. When we say it and believe it, we feel empowered. Self-love encourages resilience and strength | December 2019 / January 2020