Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Dec/Jan 2019 Aspire Magazine Final | Page 57

I call this Your Shadow Side and it’s vital to being the woman you are meant to be. As spiritual beings having a human experience we have developed two faces. The first face we show to the world. It’s the face of showing our best most of the time. The second face we keep to ourselves. It is the shadow. At times our shadow selves are so private that we are not even aware of their existence. In living out our daily lives we only see glimpses. Often, we ignore or stuff deep within, so we don’t have to face our shadow. Bringing Your SHADOW SIDE Into the Light In order to be loved and accepted, we learned as children to hide away those parts of ourselves that were not met with praise and approval and adopt only those traits and behaviors that were met with open arms. Cutting off and burying certain parts of ourselves was a necessary part of our survival and it continues through all our As spiritual beings having a human experience we have developed two faces. The first face we show to the world. It’s the face of showing our best most of the time. The second face we keep to ourselves. It is the shadow. adult life. The truth is when we start facing our shadows within we transform our life in so many ways. As I look back on my life from my early years, I didn’t stand a chance. My shadow was in overdrive. I started out of my Mama’s womb being mischievous, hyperactive, not listening, into everything and running on my tip-toes. I recently had a loving conversation with my Mom and she still doesn’t hesitate to tell me that everything that happened I was usually blamed for because I was involved. We are born with innocence with our traits to quickly follow. Part of our shadow nature is already wired within at birth and the other part through our experiences. When I started college and into my adult life I remember the overwhelming stress of not making better grades, disappointing my parents, not meeting up with societies rules and feeling like everything in my life that went wrong was my fault. In my late 30’s I started overcompensating by putting more pressure on myself to achieve beyond expectations in my career, to hold it all together with my family and friends, trying to be the best mom, wife and daughter and to be perfection for everyone. 57