Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Aug/Sept 2019 Aspire Mag FINAL | Page 67

Now, before you get too upset and turn the page, understand this: personal responsibility is not saying that “you” are to blame. Everything is not ALL YOUR FAULT. That does not fix a situation. Deciding to stop blaming others and start BLAMING yourself for everything is NOT Relationship Development ® , it’s still Demand Relationship™. There are TWO sides to Demand Relationship™, the Power Player (making the demands) and the Non-Power Player (being the pleaser). You’ve probably been in BOTH of those roles at times, right? You’re probably in ONE of those roles right now in your relationship. Going from blaming him (you being the power player) to blaming yourself and making YOU wrong (the non-power player), is just YOU flipping from one end of Demand Relationship to the other end of Demand Relationship. And ALL Demand Relationship breaks DOWN relationships. It’s all crap. So what is the Relationship Development® solution? Stop blaming and start taking Personal Responsibility. Here’s the KEY…. Fault and responsibility do not go together. Personal Responsibility is NOT a dirty word! It doesn’t mean that everything is your fault. It doesn’t mean that you are bad. People have confused personal responsibility for FAULT and they are shying away from taking personal responsibility for ANYTHING so as not to be at FAULT. You are giving away ALL your power when you refuse to take personal responsibility and you BLAME others. We already redefined BLAME for you to be more accurate. Now it’s time to redefine your definition of personal responsibility. Just because “it’s not your fault” doesn’t mean you don’t have the “response-ability” to fix it. Will Smith framed it out so well when he said, “Fault and responsibility don’t go together. It sucks, but they don’t. … Your life, your happiness is your responsibility and your responsibility alone.” It is not about fault, it’s all about empowerment. Unhinge fault and responsibility. And even if something is somebody else’s fault, take personal responsibility for fixing it because you’re living in the results of it - always. As I always say, “Everyone lives in the results of the decisions that they make. There are no exceptions!” When you take personal responsibility to fix something, you get to live in those results. When you blame someone else, your quality of life is in someone else’s hands and you live in those results. It’s not about fault; it’s all about your empowerment. You HAVE the power to do this! It’s a skillset and it can be learned. I wanted to make sure I addressed this piece about fault because the Demand Relationship™ mindset can really run deep. And we’ve been wired to believe that if you give up blaming others, then you give up being the power player (winner) in Demand 67 I am not saying you start blaming yourself for everything. That is still Demand Relationship™, it’s just doing it to yourself instead of someone else. STOP IT.