Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Aug/Sept 2019 Aspire Mag FINAL | Page 26

Here are four steps to practicing spiritual alchemy and transmuting your pain into soul level transformation: 1 Create a sacred space for healing past trauma: Set up a safe and nurturing environment where you can fully embrace the unhealed parts of yourself. Meditate, sit in a garden, stare out a window, take a walk-in nature, or write in a journal. Set aside time to be alone in a quiet place at the beginning and end of each day. Then, gradually increase this time with yourself. Be with your pain, anxiety, or discomfort like an old friend who has come to visit. Notice when you feel unsettled, restless, or irritable. These physical or emotional cues are part of your spiritual guidance system and they alert you to underlying trauma or pain that needs to be released. Take a moment and do a quick body scan and notice where your body is holding tension and tightness. Begin at the top of your head and move slowly down to your feet noticing where you are holding any tension. What is the energy in your body telling you? Ask your body what you are holding onto? Write about your experience in your journal. 26 2 Lean in and stay with your emotional pain until it fully releases. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and drop into your heart space. Stay here until you feel your pain or discomfort. Pay attention to your inner self-talk and notice what feelings they trigger. As your feelings surface, you may feel restless and want to run away or distract from them. That’s ok. Try to remain in your healing space as long as you can, surrendering to your feelings. Bring awareness to your feelings and what they are telling you. Practice deep, slow, intentional breathing for release: As you inhale, breathe in love of yourself, and as you exhale, breathe out fear. Fill your heart with gratitude for who you are and the feelings that have surfaced right now. Do this until your breath is rhythmic, and you feel calm and centered. With deep breaths, you draw more oxygen into your body which helps you stay calm while your feelings surface. If this experience gets too intense, take a break, and come back to it later. But, make sure you come back to it at some later time. 3 Have a sacred chat with your pain or discomfort: Here are a few journal prompts to jump start your sacred chat: What is the root of your discomfort? What unhealed part of you is being revealed? What is your fear or pain showing you about yourself or your life? Go deeper into your heart space and allow yourself to reveal more. What deep-seated emotional patterns— especially fear, worthlessness, and insecurity are there? What is the origin of these patterns? When your mind wanders, gently bring your | August / September 2019