Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Aug/Sept 2019 Aspire Mag FINAL | Page 24

LIVING a Soul-Hearted LIFE Spiritual Alchemy: Transmitting Pain into the Gold of Transformation BY DR. DEBRA REBLE S piritual alchemy is transmuting our pain into soul level transformation. Traditional alchemy during the Middle Ages centered around the attempt to burn away the “dross” of an ordinary material (such as lead) and transform it into a refined substance (such as gold). Yet, true alchemists of the time understood this process to be spiritual— transmuting the “dross” of our heavier physical processes into the more refined essences of mind and spirit—the gold of our true being. A trauma, loss, or crisis is an energetic gateway to soul level transformation. It may 24 | August / September 2019