Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) April/May 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 71

special points that correspond to the various muscles and organs and to your energy. It is perfectly safe to use acupressure on yourself or someone else. Just pay attention to what feels good so that you don’t press too hard, which won’t feel good! Here are three acupressure massage techniques to try, the first for menstrual pain, the second for balancing the emotions of PMS, and the third for an excellent massage at any point during your moontime. Massage with Friends You can do massage with your friends. Use massage oil and take turns giving one another foot massages. There are acupressure points above the heel and just below the anklebone, and rubbing these can be very soothing at moontime. Moontime Monthly Massage For an easy do-it-yourself massage that feels wonderful, rub six drops of essential oil with massage oil onto your lower abdomen. Continue rubbing in a circular clockwise motion for several minutes to ease pressure and relieve cramping. Then let yourself drift off to a dreamy sleep. For centuries, women’s healing and body wisdom came from observing a woman’s menstrual cycle. Paying attention to your own cycle, and what makes you feel good, will support you to be in good health throughout your life. Listening to your body’s needs and responding will also strengthen your intuition. Following your intuition will help you be healthy, safe, and confident. Excerpted from the book Your Moontime Magic. Copyright ©2020 by Maureen Theresa Smith. Printed with permission from New World Library — Maureen Theresa Smith - Maureen is the author of Your Moontime Magic and First Moon. She offers visionary coaching to girls and women in times of transition, as well as facilitating regular “Girls Circles” for tweens. She lives in Fairfax, California with her daughter Chloe. Find out more about her work at 71