Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) April/May 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 26

IN THIS TIME OF THE FEMININE RISING, COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS, WISDOM, EMPATHY, GRATITUDE, STILLNESS AND FAITH ARE ALL ASPECTS THAT MAKE UP UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. THIS IS WHAT THE SACRED FEMININE IS. The feelings of being unlovable, worthless, insecure, not enough, all lead to a discord within ourselves. The discord is simply because, not only does it not feel great, but it goes against our innate nature; - light energy existing in a dimension of love. So, the discord, creates more discord, be-getting more and more disharmony and a war within ourselves. Should it be so surprising then that a hurt and insecure person would reflect that to those around them, if not lashing out at them from this place of discord. External power is yearned for and pursued by those who have no knowledge of their own 26 | April / May 2020 internal power and light and this is why wars are waged. This is why the vulnerable are overlooked and disharmony and suffering in this world is created. Hurt begets hurt more times than not and this is what humanity has experienced for so long. In this time of the Feminine rising, compassion, forgiveness, wisdom, empathy, gratitude, stillness and faith are all aspects that make up unconditional Love. This is what the Sacred Feminine is. Nothing more, and nothing less, and this Feminine sit inside of all of us, just as its compliment, the Masculine does. It is almost impossible to offer these feminine aspects to another, without accessing and offering them to ourselves first. Having a heart filled with unconditional love for ourselves is how we can be of full service to this broken world. The path to Self-Love is not easy but it is vital. It is a feminine path, for men and women alike. It requires us to go within, to cease looking outside of ourselves to fill our own wells, and access the source of love we are all made of. The best and most potent way to start this journey is to have compassion for ourselves, our mistakes and our lacks. To sit with gratitude for all that we have that is right and feels good, and nurture ourselves with loving words and deeds. Be forgiving and gentle and once we have self-practiced this, we then are in a better position to offer this to others. To love from within, not from without is how we become our own hero. It is how we save ourselves and create a loving life. It is