Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Apr/May 2018 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 85

your well-being. This is why it’s so important to stop the comparison and focus on living your purpose. You know deep down that your fatigue and exhaustion are signs that your soul is crying out for change. This sign is a symptom of burnout. Burnout happens when we push ourselves to achieve a real or imaginary idea of success without slowing down enough to figure out what success really means to us. It’s also important to pay attention to who you’re comparing yourself to. Are they someone of a different social demographic? Are they more organized than you naturally are? Or are they someone on Instagram who’s only posting photos of their shiny lives? There are numerous ways that other people’s lives or personalities could be different from yours. Begin to notice those differences and how comparing yourself to them creates more overwhelm. In today’s fast-paced society, it can be difficult to find the space to slow down and tune into your soul’s wisdom. With so many demands coming at you, it’s easy to get caught up in the swirl of activity and lose connection with yourself. From a cultural standpoint, we’re rewarded for hard work. We feel we must do all the things to have the good life, so we pack our schedules to the brim so that we don’t fall behind, disappoint someone, or lose our jobs. We exhaust ourselves because externally, we feel the pressure to produce. Internally, we feel like we have no choice. That being said, by challenging yourself to find quiet time and space, you will find more perspective on your personal values and gain more discernment about what’s important to you and how to spend your time and energy. Stop the comparison. Although it’s healthy to have a desire to improve yourself and your skills, this can be misinterpreted as “not being enough” and lead to negative self-talk. This kind of negative self-talk often drives anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other mental health issues that can be detrimental to Here are 3 steps to reduce overwhelm, stop comparing yourself to others, and reduce burnout: Recognize your success. Everyone, including you, has a unique perspective, set of skills and experiences that make you successful and valuable just the way you are. Give yourself the gift of acknowledging your qualities and the steps you’ve already taken towards your personal success. Write down 5 things that already make you successful and become intimate with them. Every morning, evening, and several times a day if you need to, take out your list and remind yourself of your accomplishments. You’ll be amazed how this simple act will lift your spirits and how much more confident you’ll feel during challenging moments. 85 all the things that have yet to be done, so you try harder to do it all even though you’re worn out and ready to take a long nap.