Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Apr/May 2018 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 49

“Who are you to do this?” “You don’t know what you’re doing!” “What if you fail?” “What if everyone judges you?” I had all of these thoughts running through my head for years. In my youth, acting was the only thing I had really wanted to do with my life. After 15 years of struggling at that career, my perception was that I had failed because I wasn’t making a living at it. (Never mind that only about one percent of actors actually make it their living!) I had a huge fear of starting something new and I had very little belief in my ability to achieve success. All my inner conversations were based in my perception of not being worthy of real accomplishment. This false belief created an internal paralysis until I finally found the courage to take the first step onto a new, inspired path. “Everything you want Is on the other side of fear.” – JACK CANFIELD We can talk ourselves in or out of anything and rationalize our debilitating self-talk as tough love common sense. This only proves to keep us stuck and living small for weeks, “THERE IS NO ILLUSION GREATER THAN OUR FEAR.” “How do I confront my imagined fears?”, you may ask yourself. For starters, you need to realize that your mind is the culprit. The job of your mind is simply to keep you safe. When you come upon a new experience that is out of your current comfort zone, you may initially feel excited to pursue it, but chances are your mind is going to have something else to say about it. – LAO TZU months and years on end. What if you could break free from your fears and experience all the freedom, joy and fulfillment waiting on the other side? I’m going to share five ways to move through your fear and begin to live from a place of courage and confidence. 1 TAKE TIME FOR MEDITATION Since fear lives in the mind, place your attention somewhere else. Quieting your mind and focusing on your heart is a great way to immediately release fear. Try this: close your eyes and imagine your heart; see it opening like a flower allowing love to flow freely in and out. Next, attune to your breath. With each inhale let your thought be, “I 49