Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Apr/May 2018 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 46

6 Note to Self. Post positive notes to yourself. Affirmations and positive reminders will support your energy flow. Find a favorite poem and post it by your bed, tuck a love note in your wallet, post a sticky note by your mirror to remind yourself how loved you are. This will help raise your vibration to be more open to receive intuition. 7 Soul Clarity. Look in your eyes every morning and connect with your soul. The eyes are the window to our soul and the soul is what channels our intuition. When we take the time to connect with our soul daily it is easy to verify you are on the right path or if you need to make any course corrections. This allows us to travel our intuitive soul path easier. The eyes are the window to our soul and the soul is what channels our intuition. inspiring moments. Living in joy opens our energy to receive intuitive messages easier. 9 H2O Conduction. Our bodies are up to 60% water and water is a conductor of energy. When we are well hydrated the energy of intuition flows effortlessly through our body to be felt in our muscles, bones, skin and organs. We are flowing with the river of information instead of paddling upstream. When we are dehydrated, it is like a beaver built a dam to stop the flow of information. As a baseline, drink ½ your body weight in water each day to help feel and understand intuition in your body. 10 8 Joy, joy, joy. Allow your child energy to be present each day. Being in the joyful and curious energy of a child resets us to being open and present to the wonders that surround us. We can see opportunities and connection that our adult eyes miss. We are reminded that the world is filled with magic, mystery and awe- 46 | April / May 2019 Self-Love. Imagine that you are talking to your best friend. She is intently listening to you and providing amazing support. She knows just what you need to hear to feel better or make an empowered decision. Now practice talking to yourself as she would talk to you. Realize, that you truly are your best friend. Loving and being kind to yourself opens your energy to possibilities and intuitive flow.