Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Apr/May 2018 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 45

HERE ARE 12 DAILY STEPS, I USE MYSELF, AS WELL AS WITH CLIENTS, TO ENHANCE MY INTUITIVE RECEIVING AND FAITH MUSCLES: 1 Awaken Gratitude. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations there is. When we start our days being thankful for all we have and expecting more we automatically draw positive energy towards us. We notice the magic in our lives and become magnetic to more. Abundant Blessings. 2 Say thank you for all the good things that happened during day before you fall asleep. According to the CDC, 1/3 of all people don’t get enough sleep. A simple review of all that is good will clear your mind and allow you to sleep deeper, so you are clearer to receive your intuitive messages as you dream or the next day. 3 Productive Pause. Before answering a question or comment, count to 5 to receive the best response. This can also be called active listening. Often, we are so busy thinking about our response that we don’t really hear what When we know and trust the intuitive messages, we can live in the present moment, follow through and take action. When we know and trust the intuitive messages, we can live in the present moment, follow through and take action. If we are second guessing ourselves and our decisions, we are either living in the future (worrying about the decision) or in the past (stressing out about a choice we made and how it didn’t work as well as we thought it would). the other person is saying. We can’t feel the energy behind the words and/or read the body language. When we listen to what is being said and then pause, our intuition will guide us to the response for the highest good. 4 Kindness Creed. We all have that mean girl voice in our head that tells us we aren’t trying hard enough. When we listen to that voice instead of the loving voice of our intuition we can miss out on valuable information. When we take care of ourselves, nurture our energy and our bodies we are more open to intuitive flow. 5 Breath of Life. When we are stressed, we can hold our breath, or our breath can become shallow. This is the freeze part of the stress response. Our bodies are trying to become invisible to threats. From this energy we are hyper aware of the perceived threat and cannot feel intuitive energy. Take 3 deep breathes in through your nose feeling the breath expand to your hips. Hold this breath for a count of 3 and then release it out your mouth to open energy and greater awareness. 45