ASPC Update July 2018 | Page 4

One of the primary purposes and focus of the ASPC is leadership – developing people who lead, manage and operate high performance training Centres across the world. I am a strong believer in some of the key fundamentals of leadership. It begins with what I endeavor to live by every day which is to lead by example and be self-aware. It is important to invest in yourself. It is important to know your greatest strengths and to continuously work on personal and professional improvement. These attributes are key for anyone wanting to become a successful leader. One needs to lead yourself before you can lead others; you need to lead yourself well before you can be a leader worth following. Great leadership is the key to sustained influence and to sustained performance. Great leaders last because they lead themselves first. The person in the mirror is counting on you to lead and so are many others. We need to be intentional in our personal/ professional development plans and take personal accountability for our leadership and ask two questions. 1. If not me – who? 2. If not now – when? Through the ASPC membership and at the ASPC Forum there is an excellent opportunity to elevate your leadership skills. You do not have to be in charge to take charge!