ASMSG Scifi Fantasy Paranormal Emagazine August 2014 | Page 31

room. This man was about my height, but seemed to have the strength of four men. I leveled my gauntlet at him, but with a sweep of his arm he leveled me. I grasped the side of my head from the blow and recoiled into the fetal position when he drove a booted foot into my sternum. I felt pain like I had not experienced since my time as a prospect. I looked up to see the man throw Thom across the room and into a wall. The Sheetrock buckled under Thom's weight and he smashed through the wall and fell limp to the ground. I knew I needed to move, but the sharp pain in my chest prevented me from doing so quickly. I struggled to breathe. There was nothing else I could do as Taggert's brother drove his foot down onto me again. This time I knew there would be broken ribs involved, the evidence of it protruded from my ribcage and punctured the skin on my right side. I gasped for whatever amount of air could replenish my aching lungs and labored as my chest cavity expanded with each attempt. "Linnis," I heard a woman shout barely over the ringing in my ears. I tilted my head up to see my target stand there with dark hair that rested above her shoulders. She was dressed in a pant suit with gold adornment along the edging of the jacket. I could see the look of shock on her face, but was it because her monster of a brother was attempting murder in her home, or was it the fact that two policemen were in her home? She could surely put two and two together and deduce why we were there. She was targeted by the Syndicate. Linnis stood down from his attack and crossed his arms in a defensive pose. It was clear his older sister ruled his small little world, but I was unsure to what extent her control over him would last. I could see Thom move slightly out of the corner of my eye which was a small relief in a rather bleak introduction to the Taggerts. "Forgive my brother," she said as she extended a hand to help me up. I grasped it with my right hand and the blue beam that shown from the diffuser of my gauntlet illuminated upon her shoulder. She stared at it for a moment before speaking, "It would seem that Linnis interrupted a rather important assignment, Mr.?" she paused and waited for me to say my name. "Blackwell, my name is Serus Blackwell," I said with a rasp. I could barely stand, let alone talk due to the pain. "Well, Mr. Blackwell, to what do I owe the honor of the momentous occasion?" she asked after dropping her arm from my grip and walking slowly to a plush navy blue love seat that was nestled against a gray wall. I noted that this was the most respectable piece of furniture in the room, a room with dirty laundry and electronics strewn about haphazardly. "I think you are aware of that by now," I said. "Yes, well, I can only assume at this point that someone in the Syndicate has it out for me. The reason… SFP Indie Issue 3 you may be more privileged with that information than I am," she said as matter-of-fact as she could. She was a strong woman. That was for damn sure. I exhaled deeply and retrieved the communicator from my pocket. The missed calls were stacked up in the queue, but I ignored them. I didn't have time for returning them. I scrolled through the assignment list and opened the file for Mira Taggert, I scrolled down the holographic image that appeared above my communicator and found the supposed reason for the assignment. "Apparently someone believes that you have been embezzling money from your business and stocking up your wealth. There is evidence that points towards fraudulent account transaction and misrepresentation for expenditures through your corporate entity, Taggeris Incorporated." Taggeris was a company founded by her great grandfather about a century ago which was the leading manufacturer of the electromagnetic plates and nano-fiber used to repair our artificial atmosphere. They had revolutionized the technology that otherwise had not changed much since its initial inception. Now the service life of each plate was extended by four times the previous models service life. To put it in layman's terms, they are more efficient and more reliable than the previous competitors out t here. It was also much more expensive. "That's nonsense!" she stood exasperated. "Our company was founded on integrity and I would never do anything to jeopardize my family's company. It means everything to me," she said. "That's not my problem, Ms. Taggert," I said coldly as Thom, who was now sitting upright against the crumpled wall that Linnis had thrown him into looked up at me. His face was bruised and a small amount of blood was dried under his nostrils. "Do I not at least have an opportunity to confront my accuser?" she was stalling. I could tell that she had noticed the extent of my injury and planned to leverage it against me in order to make her escape. "You know it doesn't work that way," Thom said sourly. He knew the system and how it worked, just as much as she did. Mira looked down as Linnis stepped behind her and draped his arms around her. "I know," she replied as she curled into Linnis' arms and placed a delicate hand around his neck. Her face drifted into his shoulder as she waned from the reality of what was to be her end. Linnis looked up at Thom as a barely audible whisper escaped her lips. I was not attuned to reading lips, but based on the cold glare when Linnis stared at Thom I could see that this family was not going to go down without a fight. Without any type of physical warning Linnis lunged at Thom and bore his full weight into Thom's stomach. I could hear the air escape in a solid burst of air that reminded me of a balloon bellowing the air as it was squeezed free from its confinement, even to the staccato bursts at the end of the exhale. 31 | P a g e