Asia After Dark July 2017 | Page 39

Stayi ng as an expat i n Thai l and has many benefi ts, warm weather, cheap l i vi ng costs and of course the ‘ i nfamous’ Thai smi l e. I t’ s easy to become accustomed to the good l i fe i n Thai l and but i t i s al so very i mportant to ensure you stay on top of your vi sa si tuati on. One of the most common ways that expats fi nd themsel ves wi th an unnecessary probl em i s forgetti ng to do thei r 90 day report. The 90 day report can be done onl i ne usual l y but the system has been down for a whi l e meani ng that expats now need to make the j ourney to thei r l ocal i mmi grati on offi ce and do thi s report personal l y. You have 7 days ei ther si de of your speci fi c date i n whi ch to do your 90 day report but i f you forget to report and l et i t l apse beyond 7 days, you face a fi ne of up to 5, 000 THB whi ch i s a hefty sum for most expats. One of the easi est ways to remember i s to set an al arm on your phone or add a note to Googl e Cal endar. Anyone who has stayed i n Thai l and for more than 90 days must report thei r address to i mmi grati on, even i f thei r address i s sti l l the same. Offi ci al l y when you l eave the country and re-enter you shoul d al so report your address to i mmi grati on al though thi s i s not enforced at al l i mmi grati on offi ces. Other ways i n whi ch expats fal l fowl of i mmi grati on l aws i s by forgetti ng to get a re-entry permi t before l eavi ng the country. Thi s i s qui te a strange rul e to get used to, parti cul arl y i f you were previ ousl y stayi ng i n Thai l and usi ng a mul ti pl e entry vi sa, whi ch requi red you to l eave the country every 90 days. Once you extend your stay at an i mmi grati on offi ce wi thi n Thai l and, i f you wi sh to l eave the country then you must obtai n a re-entry permi t to keep your extensi on of stay al i ve. I f you fai l to obtai n a re-entry permi t thi s can have qui te seri ous consequences as you wi l l l ose your Thai vi sa and j ust be granted a vi sa on arri val when you re-enter the country (i f your nati onal i ty i s el i gi bl e for a vi sa on arri val ). Some peopl e have reported that the i mmi grati on offi cer at departures was ki nd enough to poi nt out thei r error before they made that fatal mi stake but i t can’ t and shoul dn’ t be rel i ed upon. There i s al so an opti on to obtai n a re-entry permi t at Suvarnabhumi Ai rport, whi ch i s l ocated near to arri val s i n Zone 2. Thi s servi ce i s usual l y avai l abl e between 5am and mi dni ght. However, i t i s not advi sabl e to rel y on thi s servi ce i n case i t i s unavai l abl e or hi ghl y occupi ed at the ti me you need i t. The safest way i s to al ways keep at l east a si ngl e re-entry permi t i n your passport i n case you need to l eave the country i n an emergency. A si ngl e use permi t costs j ust 1000 THB and many peopl e choose to appl y for i t after recei vi ng thei r yearl y extensi on of stay. You need a passport si ze photo, form ™ 8, a photocopy of the photo page i n your passport and your l atest vi sa extensi on stamp. The process of getti ng a re-entry permi t typi cal l y takes l ess than an hour at most i mmi grati on offi ces. I f you are pl anni ng to l eave and re enter Thai l and many ti mes duri ng the course of your stay then you may wi sh to obtai n a mul ti -entry re entry permi t whi ch can be used as many ti mes as you requi re unti l your vi sa extensi on expi res. Re-entry permi ts have the same l i fespan as your vi sa extensi on, so when you vi si t i mmi grati on for your yearl y vi sa then you need to get a new re-entry permi t al so as any ol d re-entry permi ts wi l l expi re al ong wi th your ol d vi sa stamp. Vi sa types whi ch are requi red to obtai n a re-entry permi t i ncl ude: Reti rement Vi sas Marri age Vi sas Busi ness Vi sas Educati on Vi sas I f you have any questi ons regardi ng vi sas to stay i n Thai l and, you can contact Darren McGarry on 038 422 131 or emai l i nfo@keyvi sathai l and. com