ASH INFO 103 Entire CourseASH INFO 103 Entire Course With Final ASH INFO 103 Week 4 Quiz

ASH INFO 103 Week 4 Quiz

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INFO 103 Week 4 Quiz 1 . Exposure to internet pornography typically occurs when ? 2 . Which of the following is NOT one of the MOST common uses of Twitter ? 3 . Which of the following is NOT an example of a virtual community ? 4 . Amazon . com first started out as a place to :
5 . What is the MOST important precaution to take when using social networking sites like Facebook ?
6 . Which is NOT an example of a course management system ? 7 . Which of the following BEST describes the concept behind Web 2.0 ?
8 . When Twitter is used to gather a large group for a face-to-face meeting it is called a :