ASH Clinical News July 2015_updated | Page 71

BACK of the BOOK know what to do. Throughout training, we’ve learned to trust their opinions over our own, then – seemingly all of a sudden – there’s just us. Frankly, my Gen Y colleagues are probably just as terrified of the older generation retiring or leaving medicine as they are of us taking over. We are only as good as our mentors; when the umbilical cord of mentorship is yanked after three years of fellowship, we start to begin to build the experiences that will allow us to become that lifesource to the next generation of doctors. However, we still need the nurture of our senior colleagues until that time. protocols and evidence in the literature in the place of that experience – making us more rigid in our approaches. Older generations, having had time to develop and practice “the art of medicine,” are more comfortable exercising the exceptions to every rule. Us, though? We look like young, nervous Doogie Howsers who think they know it all because we have our precious protocols, but not the life experience to back it up. One day we’ll get there. A Shifting Work Ethic With the recent movement toward “shift work” and stricter work-hour restrictions, our work ethic has been called into question. Any change has its pros and cons. Obviously, the “pro” is humane work hours for residents and fellows: Qualityof-life in training is improved and the threat of fellowship enslavement isn’t as scary as it used to be. The “con,” though, is when those rules become an excuse for skirting around patient care. Rest assured, that concern is not unique to the older generation. Supposedly, the work restrictions were put in place to improve patient care and protect against medical errors. But the truth is, we all know that there are major quality “disprovements” that can do more harm than good. The shift-work model comes with unwanted side effects: increasing the number of patient hand-offs, complicating physician–nurse communication (a century-old issue), and promoting the “softness” that results from work-hour restrictions becoming an excuse for good patient care. These are the conflicts that the new millennial doctor has inherited. The shift-work model forces us to practice medicine by the clock, rather than by our patients’ needs: Should I stay past the 16-hour mark to perform an urgent bone marrow biopsy? Or, do I go over my work-hour limit and lie about it to maintain the accreditation of the fellowship program? The obvious answer is to save the patient’s life. Gone are the days of seeing a patient diagnosed with acute leukemia through tumor lysis and DIC. Instead, we sign out a patient in the middle of his initial work-up and only learn the results when we start our shift the next day after the treatment has already been initiated. The Just as the younger generation has to be teachable and moldable, so must the older generation. Be open to new evidence-based protocols, be willing to try something different. Trust us; we learned from you. Experience Versus Evidence I suspect that older doctors think that the junior generation of physicians are more rigid in their management of medical practice. I can’t argue with that perception. The younger generation’s medical practice is primarily protocol-driven and evidence-based. In the past decade, medical training has become so compartmentalized that the millennials are armed with very focused clinical knowledge. Physicians before us had a much broader medical training, and, therefore, their medical knowledge covers more depth and breadth than the newer trainees. Rather than relying on the report of a pathologist, for example, older physicians can make clinical decisions based on physical examination and peripheral smears. During residency education, much of the focus is on research, quality, and standards of care handed down by the governing bodies. Yet, when you ask older physicians why they do things a certain way – even though it may deviate from the prescribed standard of care – their answer is, “It just works. Trust me.” Younger physicians, obviously, lack that base of experience. We stick close to process doesn’t unfold in front of our eyes – and that puts us at a disadvantage. The amount of pushback and the number of residents who play the “workhour excuse” card to leave while the floor is in disarray is pretty horrific, I have to admit. I know I’m not painting the rosiest picture of our work-hour restrictions and how the millennials potentially exploit them, but I do believe it’s the minority of young doctors who fall into that category. Many young physicians let their desire to do what’s best for their patients guide them, working around the restrictions when necessary – a trait we likely picked up from observing our mentors. The Tech Crunch Another common critique of millennials: We’re addicted to technology. It’s true, to some extent. If you were to tell trainees and residents to put away their smartphones, you might as well tell them to come to work naked. And, let’s face it, you can tell who the attending of the residency clinic is by sound alone: The slow-and-steady tapping of senior physicians typing up their notes, broken up by long pauses as they search for the backspace button, versus the piano concerto that the millennials are tapping out on the keyboard, seemingly without even moving their fingers. These days, it’s not about how much we know, but if we know where to look it up. There’s drug indexes, PubMed searches, and, of course, Drs. Google and Wikipedia when we get desperate – or when we want to know what our patients are reading. Of course, that’s oversimplifying the use of technology. We are still the brains behind the typing a