ASH Clinical News April 2017 New | Page 19

CLINICAL NEWS fASHion Police Rebranding ASH Clinical News’ Deputy Style Editor and Kardashian Super-Fan, David Steensma, MD, ranks Kim K.’s most glamorous red blood cells: We’re in our third year of publication here at ASH Clinical News so, in an effort to keep things fresh, we’ll be experimenting with some creative new language. After all, there are only so many synonyms for “researchers.” Here’s how we’ll be referring to units of doctors in future issues: 5 4 3 Reticulocyte #32,484 synthesized by the bone marrow on November 27, 2012 This reticulocyte was slightly larger than average, but what really caught the eyes of observers was the virtually transparent, trend-setting way in which it wore its ribosomal remnants.  5 benign hematologists = a thrombus 2 lymphoma specialists = a node 10 hematopathologists = a globin 4 leukemia specialists = a blast Large Granular Lymphocyte (LGL) #713 of April 6, 2009 What would you call yourselves? Let us know at [email protected]! LGLs tend to get a lot of attention due to their rar- ity, but this one expressed NK markers in such a so- phisticated fashion that the United Nations briefly considered retaining it as their official spokesperson for LGL-related affairs. Active Learning Monocyte #5150 of April 15, 2015 While the cytoplasm in this cell may have seemed bland under the light microscope, electron microsco- py showed a granular structure eerily reminiscent of the cover of the 1986 Van Halen album with which it shares part of a name.  2 Myelocyte #29,003 of September 7, 2012 This myelocyte at first appeared undistinguished … until it was realized that it was sporting a daring Philadelphia chromosome. Considered by some crit- ics to be a major gaffe, others lauded this bold and potentially neoplastic choice as a groundbreaking attempt at media attention. 1 The treadmills in the Remote Session Viewing Area at last year’s ASH Annual Meeting were a huge hit: Attendees logged 7,842 miles on day three alone! (Or maybe that was 7,842 steps …) To keep up the active learning, here’s what meeting organizers will be adding to this year’s venue: 6 elliptical machines (and virtual reality headsets to simulate being chased by wild dogs) 8 heavy punching bags (with electron microscopy photos of your least-favorite hematologic condition on them) Platelet #146,288 of September 30, 2014 Not only was this platelet perfectly symmetrical, it was extremely functional. It was part of the “shock attack” hemostatic squad that prevented a large ecchymosis on Kim’s derriere following glancing contact with a Swarovski crystal coffee table. 2 hot yoga sessions (1 during the Plenary Scientific Session and 1 during the Ham-Wasserman lecture) We’ll also be holding relay races through the Poster Hall! ASH Clinical News 17