ASH Clinical News ACN_4.8_Final_digital | Page 36

Written in Blood two patients died from infections arising from non- engraftment and one died from GVHD. Another patient died from severe GVHD at 13.9 months, leading to a two-year survival rate of 84.6 percent. Twenty-three patients (88%) experienced engraftment. In the remaining three patients, engraftment failed because of: • death at day 71 (n=1) • death at day 92 following a second haploidentical hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT; n=1) • survival at 31 months following a second haploidentical HCT (n=1) Almost half of patients (n=10; 45.8%) experi- enced grade 2-4 acute GVHD; nine patients (36%) developed chronic GVHD. Overall, 18 of the 22 patients alive at last follow-up had stopped active immunosuppression “Unfortunately, not all patients with SAA have eligible cord blood units available, justifying new prospective clinical trials.” —RÉGIS PEFFAULT DE LATOUR, MD, PhD