ASH Clinical News ACN_4.2_FULL_ISSUE | Page 37

BACK of the BOOK Heard in the Blogosphere ASH ANNUAL MEETING EDITION The ASH Whiteboard Wall “As a hematologist, how do you build resilience & face factors that might contribute to professional burnout?” This year, annual meeting organizers continued a tradition established at the 58th ASH Annual Meeting: The ASH Whiteboard Wall. In response to the question posed above, graphic artists then illustrated the answers on a giant whiteboard on display in the Georgia World Congress Center. The following Tweets captured the images: Vikas Gupta, MD @Vikas_Gupta_1 ASH wall - strategies for building resilience – imp to prevent physician burn out!! #mpnsm Sarah R. Brown, PhD Pieces of Flair Loyal readers of ASH Clinical News have followed the “Ribbon Wars” saga between Joseph Mikhael, MD, MEd (@jmikhaelmd), and ASH Clinical News Editor-in-Chief Mikkael A. Sekeres, MD, MS (@MikkaelSekeres), but this year, they took it to a new level: The ASH Sash. It started before the meeting, as the ribbons multiplied and became more “colorful” … Mikkael A. Sekeres, MD, MS @MikkaelSekeres Joe? @jmikhaelmd? An undisclosed party may have just made my plume a bit more substantial than yours for #ASH17! Joseph Mikhael, MD, MEd @jmikhaelmd Very nice @MikkaelSekeres but sadly you still fall short of @jmikhaelmd in plumage. I know the same undisclosed party (thanks Bill!) #ASH17 #ribbonbattle @DrSBrown In Atlanta, the battle heated up … Love this whiteboard wall at #ASH17 How we build resilience in our busy working lives Aaron Gerds, MD @AaronGerds #ribbonbattle behind the scenes! Laura DeCastro, MD, MBBS Rafael Fonseca, MD @Rfonsi1 @ldc_paz You don’t even see that many ribbons in old Soviet military parades! #ConquerSCD I’ll build resilience by: And finally, the reveal … Shafia Rahman, MD @shafiarahman_ #trainee #resilience Mikkael A. Sekeres, MD, MS @MikkaelSekeres With @jmikhaelmd at #ASH17 in the ultimate #ribbonbattle! Introducing ... the ASH Sash! What’s next for #ASH18 ? Perhaps the ASH Toga? Or maybe a talent competition? David Steensma, MD @DavidSteensma Follow ASH and ASH Clinical News on: @ASH_Hematology, @BloodJournal, @BloodAdvances, and @ASHClinicalNews You guys look like you are ready for the Miss America pageant – now the Twitter audience would like to see the swimsuit event, preferably with you both outside in the snow :) @ASH_Hematology ASH Clinical News 35