ASH Clinical News ACN_4.14_Full Issue_web | Page 105

TRAINING and EDUCATION Given the economic and morbidity burden of post- thrombotic syndrome, early diagnosis and treatment is essential to preserving patients’ health-related quality of life. At this point, there are insufficient data available about the protective ability of the various anticoagulants, so possible better protection against PTS is not in itself a valid reason to choose one available parenteral or oral anticoagulant over another. The following factors have little or no impact on the risk of developing PTS: sex, whether DVT was provoked or unprovoked, and inherited thrombophilia. Risk factors apparent during follow-up after acute DVT Ipsilateral DVT recurrence increases the risk of PTS by four- to sixfold. Persistent venous symptoms and signs one month after acute DVT also increase risk of subse- quent PTS. Inflammation markers associated with a higher PTS risk include: C-reactive protein; interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, and IL-10; intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1; and higher levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 and MMP-8, measured at varying time points after DVT diagnosis. The predictive value of D-dimer levels has not been established. Preventing PTS Patients with several risk factors at any point during DVT diagnosis and follow-up should be closely monitored for signs of PTS. For patients on VKA treatment, rigorous in- ternational normalized ratio monitoring is recommended, particularly during the first three months post-DVT. Because recurrent ipsilateral DVT is an important risk factor for PTS, preventing recurrent DVT by provid- ing optimal, appropriate-duration anticoagulation for the initial DVT is an important goal of management. Elastic compression stockings (ECS) could plausibly play a role in preventing PTS, but the data are conflicting. In light of the available evidence and international con- sensus guidelines, we do not routinely prescribe ECS to all DVT patients, instead we prescribe a trial of 20 to 30 mm Hg or 30 to 40 mm Hg below-knee ECS to patients who have residual leg swelling or discomfort after proximal or distal DVT. We monitor symptoms and continue ECS for as long as the patient derives symptomatic benefit or is able to tolerate them. To maximize benefit, patients should be educated on how to apply and use ECS and on the impor- tance of compliance. Because inflammation may contribute to PTS devel- opment, drugs with anti-inflammatory properties could have a preventive effect on PTS, but this requires investi- gation in randomized controlled trials. In addition to optimal anticoagulation, early clot re- moval, such as catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT) or pharmacomechanical CDT, can be considered for certain patients, including those with severe DVT in which the arterial circulation is compromised, because CDT is likely to be associated with a lower risk of major bleeding than systemic thrombolysis. CDT could also be considered on a case-by-case basis in patients younger than 65 years old with extensive acute proximal DVT who have a good Fast Facts ✓ ✓ Post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is a form of chronic venous insufficiency that develops in approximately 20 to 50 percent of people who have experienced a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). ✓ ✓ The principal risk factors for PTS are anatomically extensive DVT, recurrent ipsilateral DVT, obesity, and older age. functional status and a low risk of bleeding. ✓ ✓ Symptoms of PTS vary, and include heaviness, tiredness, swelling, itching, cramps, paresthesia, and venous claudication. Symptoms worsen with activity and improve with rest, but increase in intensity over the course of a day. Treating PTS ✓ ✓ Diagnosis of PTS should be deferred until 3 to 6 months after DVT, once the initial pain and swelling has resolved. Few treatment strate- gies for established PTS have been studied in well-designed clini- cal trials, so there is a lack of evidence-based management options. ✓ ✓ For patients with established PTS, treatment options include elastic compression stockings (ECS), exercise, and lifestyle modifications; however, the effectiveness of ECS is controversial. Patients with refractory or severe forms of PTS may undergo surgical or endovascular interventions. Prolonged anticoagulation It is common clinical practice to prolong anticoagulation in patients with PTS, but there is no consensus on the value of extending anticoagulation beyond the duration recommended for the treatment of DVT in patients with established PTS. It also is uncertain if hav- ing PTS increases the risk of ipsilateral recurrent venous thromboembolism after anticoagulation is stopped. Exercise and lifestyle Evidence from small studies suggest that exercise training (focused on increasing leg strength, leg flexibility, and overall cardiovascular fitness) lessened PTS severity and improved quality of life. Other lifestyle modifications include: • promoting venous return by avoiding a sedentary lifestyle • elevating the legs when seated or in bed when lying down • avoiding prolonged exposure to heat Medications Venoactive drugs that have been considered for the treatment of PTS include rutosides, defibrotide, and hidrosmin. However, a meta-analysis evaluating the effectiveness of these drugs for PTS found low-quality evidence to support their use. Further, there is no evidence that use of diuretics is effective for the treatment of PTS-related edema. Venous ulcer management Patients who develop severe PTS and venous leg ulcers should be managed by a multidisciplinary team including an internist, dermatologist, vascular surgeon, and wound- care nurse. PTS-related ulcers typically are treated with compression therapy; leg elevation; topical dressings; and pentoxifylline, a pharmacologic agent considered to improve tissue blood flow and oxygen delivery. For recur- rent ulcers or those that are refractory to therapy, surgery or endovascular procedures should be considered. Endovascular and surgical options • maintaining a nonobese body weight • using a moisturizing cream to avoid skin dryness and subsequent skin breakdown Compression therapy As noted earlier, ECS are a cornerstone of PTS manage- ment, although their use is based primarily on extrapola- tion from experiences of patients with primary CVI. An initial therapeutic trial of 20 to 30 mm Hg knee-length ECS can be followed by stronger pressure (30-40 or 40-50 mm Hg) stockings if lower-pressure stockings are inef- fective. For patients with severe symptoms unresponsive to ECS, a trial of a venous-return assist device (such as Venowave) is recommended. Intermittent pneumatic compression is also an option for patients with moderate to severe symptoms. If conservative management fails to improve symptoms, endovascular or surgical treatments (such as stent place- ment for chronic iliac vein obstruction or venous bypass surgery) can be considered for symptom relief in select patients with severe PTS. However, the lack of good- quality evidence prevents robust recommendations regarding these procedures. Research Needs PTS is known to be a frequent complication of DVT, yet there are several gaps in our understanding of the prevention and management of PTS. An improved un- derstanding of the pathophysiology of PTS, for example, would help researchers identify future therapeutic targets. Validated clinical prediction rules to predict PTS risk would allow us to more accurately select patients for preventive treatment. ● ASH Clinical News 103