ArtView January 2016 | Page 20

The Bonfire (2014) 4 m x 6 m, acrylic on linen My aim as an Action Painter is to bypass self-censoring thought and ‘feel’ my way through the creative process. Initially it’s about letting go of having a preconceived idea and simply making a physical and emotional connection with the raw materials as I move, dribble, splatter and throw. Trusting in the process itself, I work freely in the moment ‘on the floor’ as mark follows mark in a visual domino, creating a series of unplanned scenarios that tantalize my senses from the surface whilst being recorded in the foundational layers of the painting below. I’m intrigued and lured in by the organic patterns of random occurrence, the textures and colours that intertwine, communicate and respond with each other… inspiring me to build upon this free flowing composition as a visual narrative forms.