ArtsKeele S/S 2018 Arts Keele Spring Summer 2018 v4 | Page 50

INAUGURAL LECTURE PROFESSOR ARISTOTLE KALLIS INAUGURAL LECTURE PROFESSOR DAVID HEALEY Tuesday 30 January 2018 | 6.15pm WESTMINSTER THEATRE, CHANCELLOR’S BUILDING Tuesday 6 February 2018 | 6.15pm WESTMINSTER THEATRE, CHANCELLOR’S BUILDING HISTORY (NOT) REPEATING: FASCISM AND OTHER CALAMITIES THEN AND NOW Imagine a future world where democracy is a distant, disgraced memory, supplanted by totalitarianism, mass surveillance, perpetual conflict, demonisation of others, and constant public manipulation. Imagine a world where individual rights and freedoms, pluralism and mutual respect for difference have been violently reversed and superseded by an oppressive logic of power and self-preservation, of groups locked in a seemingly constant fight for survival and domination. In short, imagine a world where extremism has become mainstream. Perhaps all this sounds familiar? In the years between the two world wars a fledgling radical ideology that we today call ‘fascism’ grew from a tiny fringe motley crowd of devotees into a dominant international political force that chall