Arts & International Affairs: Volume 2, Number 2 | Page 176

Norris, Christopher. (����) What is Enlightenment? Kant According to Foucault. In The Cambridge Companion to Foucault, ed. Gary Gutting, ���–��. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pelizzari, Maria Antonella. (����) From Stone to Paper: Photographs of Architecture and the Traces of History. In Traces of India: Photographs, Architecture, and the Politics of Representation, 1850–1900, ed. Maria Antonella Pelizzari. New Haven, CT: Canadian Center for Architecture and Yale Center for British Art. Reinhardt, Ad. (����) Art as Art. In Art in Theory 1900–2000: An Anthology of Changing Ideas, eds Charles Harrison and Paul Wood, ���–�. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing. Sen, Amartya. (����) Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny. London: Penguin. Stallabrass, Julian. (����) Contemporary Art: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Taylor, Charles. (����) The Politics of Recognition. In Multiculturalism: Recognizing the Politics of Recognition, ed. Amy Gutmann, ��–��. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Wakin, Daniel J. (����). North Korea Welcomes New York Philharmonic. The New York Times, February ��.����/��/��/arts/ music/��symphony.html (Accessed �� June ����). 175