Arts & International Affairs: Volume 2, Number 2 | Page 158

The artist rebutted by arguing that his work was confused with the picture of the minister of culture cutting the cake which had been widely shared in the media. Makode Linde explained that his art is based on personal experiences of living in a racist society: “When caricature meets the romanticisation of the exotic and ideas about paradise collides with reality’s narrative of apartheid and oppression, new pictures and contexts arise which forces a racist view upon the observer.” (Aftonbladet) The argument between Patel and Linde is typical for today’s socio-cultural climate. Iconoclasm and iconodulism are not of past cultural expressions, but rather are part of today’s social tug-of-war that globalization produces. The �/�� terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon may be interpreted as a form of iconoclasm. A particular type of baleful worship of images is practiced by xenophobic and far-right movements throughout Europe who, in order to awaken tribalistic sentiments, exploit nationalist myths and racist symbols. Another form of iconoclasm is exercised by those artists and cartoonists who, as a way of provoking or entertaining, make caricatures out of motifs that others perceive as holy. Likewise, Linde retools mainstream cultural stereotypes in a manner similar to how singers and poets in the early days of the Workers’ Movement wrote satirical lyrics to well-known religious melodies. Patel also engages in iconoclasm by claiming the subordinate figure’s rights to one’s own voice and representation. One of her feminist predecessors includes Mary Richardson, who cut open Diego Vélasquez’ painting Rokeby Venus in ���� at the National Gallery in London with the motivation: “Justice is an element of beauty as much as colour and outline on canvas.” References Linde, Makode. (����) Tårtkalaset är ett uttryck mot rasism (The cake party is an expression against racism). Aftonbladet, April ��. http://www.aftonbladet. se/debatt/article��������.ab Patel, Shailja. (����) The missing ingredient in Sweden’s racist-misogynist cake. Pambazuka News, April ��. missing-ingredient-sweden’s-racist-misogynist-cake 157