Arts & International Affairs: Volume 2, Number 2 | Page 153

References Art Basel ��th Edition, June ����, Basel, Switzerland. https://www.artbasel. com/post/detail/���� (Accessed �� June ����). Bartie, Angela. (����) The Edinburgh Festivals: Culture and Society in Post-war Britain. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press. Eliasson, Olafur in collaboration with Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Green Light: An artistic workshop, ����. (Accessed �� June ����). Fisher, John A. (����) High Art versus Low Art. In The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, eds. Berys Nigel Gaut and Dominic Lopes. London and New York: Routledge, ���-���. Itso, E. B. (����). The Shedding.�� (Accessed �� June ����). Jaar, Alfredo. (����) The Gift,�����, (Accessed �� June ����). National Audit Office, UK. (����) The Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis— an International Comparison. London, UK.���cvk (Accessed �� June ����). Singh, J. P. (ed.) (����) International Cultural Policies and Power. London: Palgrave Macmillan. The Oxford Dictionary Online. (Accessed �� June ����). Throsby, David. (����) Economics and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Williams, Raymond. (����) Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. London: Fourth Estate. 152