Arts & International Affairs: Volume 2, Issue 1 | Page 82

Martinon, Jean-Paul. (Ed.) (����) The Curatorial: A Philosophy of Curating. London: Bloomsbury. McAuliffe, Kerry. (����) Review of Autopoiesis �.� Exhibition (��–�� October ����). (Accessed � January ����). McClellan, Andrew. (����) Museum Expansion in the Twenty-First Century: Abu Dhabi. Journal of Curatorial Studies � (�): ���–���. New York Times. (����) NYU Professor is Barred by United Arab Emirates. �� March. (Accessed �� March ����). O’Reilly, Tim. (����) What Is Web �.�?. O’Reilly Network. (Accessed � November ����). Peteri, Virve, et al. (����) Materiality of Digital Environments. (Accessed � November ����). Ponzini, Davide. (����) Large Scale Development Projects and Star Architecture in the Absence of Democratic Politics: The Case of Abu Dhabi, UAE. Cities ��: ���–���. Ridge, Mia. (����) Digital Participation, Engagement and Crowdsourcing in Museums. (Accessed � November ����). Rinehart, Richard, and Jon Ippolito. (����) Collecting and Preserving Digital Art. (Accessed � January ����). Saeed, Reem. (����) Mandir: Life Between Alleys. < http://www.autopoiesis. io/submissions/�������/> (Accessed September ����). 81