Arts & International Affairs: Vol. 3, No. 2, Summer/Autumn 2018 | Page 69

ARTS & INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS sical Diplomacies�Movements on the “Scenes.” In International Relations, Music and Diplomacy: Sounds and Voices on the International Stage, eds. Cécile Prévost-Thomas and Frédéric Ramel, 1–19. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po. Ramel, Frédéric and Jean-Jacques Roche. (2017) “Musique.” In Dictionnaire de la guerre et de la paix, eds. Benoît Durieux, Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, and Frédéric Ramel, 880–885. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Riiser, Solveig. (2010) National Identity and the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra. Music and Arts in Action 2 (2): 19–37. Rouhana, Nadim N. (1999) Unofficial Intervention: Potential Contributions to Resolving Ethno-national Conflicts. In Innovation in Diplomatic Practice, ed. Jan Melissen, 111–132. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (1966 [1762]) Du Contrat Social. Paris: Garnier Flammarion. Said, Edward W. (2002) [Speech upon Acceptance of the] Prince of Asturias Award for Concord 2002. Fundación Princesa de Asturias. Said, Edward W. and Daniel Barenboim. (2004) Parallels and Paradoxes. Explorations in Music and Society. New York, NY: Vintage Books. Schoenbaum, David. (2016) The Violins of Palmyra: Soft Power Projection, Then and Now. Foreign Affairs, May 26. Shemer, Daniela. (2016) The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra. Inside Stories. Lucerne Festival Blog, August 13. Smaczny, Paul (2005) Knowledge Is the Beginning [documentary]. Berlin, Strasbourg, and Mainz: EuroArts Music and ARTE/ZDF. Spitzer, John, and Neal Zaslaw. (2005) The Birth of the Orchestra: History of an Institution, 1650–1815. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Stravinsky, Igor. (2000) Poétique musicale sous forme de six leçons. Paris: Flammarion. Tribot Laspière, Victor. (2013a) Portrait du West-Eastern Divan Orchestra: Rachel Abitan, Violoniste Israélienne. France Musique, August 21. _______ (2013b) Portrait du West-Eastern Divan Orchestra: Nouras Hanana, violoniste syrien. France Musique, August 22. _______ (2013c) Entretien avec Daniel Barenboim et le West-Eastern Divan Orchestra. France Musique, September 6. United Nations Department of Public Information. (2016) West-Eastern Divan Orchestra Designated United Nations Global Advocate for Cultural Understanding. PI/2154, February 29. 66