Arts & International Affairs: 2.3: Autumn/Winter 2017 | Page 48

ARTS & INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Pearson, Christopher. (2017) Designing UNESCO: Art, Architecture and International Politics at Mid-Century. London: Routledge. Queens Museum. (2013a) Pedro Reyes’s: The people’s United Nations (pUN). (Accessed 27 July 2017). Queens Museum. (2013b) pUN Workbook. New York: Queens Museum. Rancière, Jacques. (1991 [1987]) The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation, trans. Kristin Ross. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Rancière, Jacques. (2004 [2000]) The Politics of Aesthetics: The Distribution of the Sensi- ble, trans. Gabriel Rockhill. London: Continuum. Rayner, Alex. (2016) Doomocracy: The Funhouse Haunted by Trump and Clinton. (Accessed 5 May 2017). Reyes, Pedro. (2013a) ad usum: to be used. ed. José Luis Falconi. Cambridge, MA: Har- vard University Press. Reyes, Pedro. (2013b) People’s United Nations (pUN). (Accessed 27 August 2017). Rogoff, Irit. (2003) From Criticism to Critique to Criticality. (Accessed 27 July 2017). Scott, Dread. (no date) What is the Proper Way to Display a US Flag?. (Accessed 1 March 2017). Schulz, Winfried. (2004) Reconstructing Mediatization as an Analytical Concept. Euro- pean Journal of Communication 19 (1): 87–101. Selz, Peter, and Susan Landauer. (2006) Art of Engagement: Visual Politics in California and Beyond. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Silverstone, Roger. (2002) Complicity and Collusion in the Mediation of Everyday Life. New Literary History 33 (4): 761–780. Silverstone, Roger. (2005) The Sociology of Mediation and Communication. In The Sage Handbook of Sociology, eds. Craig Calhoun, Chris Rojek, and Bryan Turner, 188– 207. London: SAGE Publications. Slaughter, Anne-Marie. (2005) Reform: Security, Solidarity, and Sovereignty: The Grand Themes of UN Reform. The American Journal of International Law 99 (3): 619–631. 46