Arts & International Affairs: 2.3: Autumn/Winter 2017 | Page 45

ON PEDRO REYES’ THE PEOPLE’S UNITED NATIONS (2013–2014) reform of the UN. And yet, paradoxically, pUN’s own impotence may have been one of its strongest characteristics as an artistic intervention. Despite suggesting the transition from the realm of individual spectatorship of the UN to that of collective action with political and institutional impact, pUN’s simultaneously semi-serious and semi-playful stance highlighted that such action can only happen when the visitor leaves the museum and begins to organise. By implicitly acknowledging the limits of the art world, pUN stressed the autonomy and the power of the visitor to achieve, as a citizen, what art can only suggest or demand. References Bali bar, Étienne. (2016) A Hyperbolic Proposition. (Accessed 17 December 2016). Beech, Dave. (2001) Art For All? (Administrator 2 Administrator). (Accessed 10 February 2017). Bishop, Claire. (2005) Installation Art: A Critical History. London: Tate Publishing. Bolt, Barbara. (2004) Art Beyond Representation: The Performative Power of the Image. London: I. B. Tauris. Bourriaud, Nicholas. (2002 [1998]) Relational Aesthetics, trans. Simon Pleasance and Fronza Woods. Paris: Les Presses du Réel. Brooks, Katherine, and Pedro Reyes. (2013) Pedro Reyes is Solving the World’s problems, One Art Performance at a Time. (Accessed 12 August 2014). Carles, Nathalie Rivère de Carles. (2016) Early Modern Diplomacy, Theatre and Soft Pow- er: The Making of Peace. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Clements, Paul. (2016) The Creative Underground: Art, Politics and Everyday Life. Lon- don: Taylor & Francis. Couldry, Nick. (2008) Digital Storytelling, Media Research and Democracy: Conceptu- al Choices and Alternative Futures. In Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-repre- sentations in New Media, ed. Knut Lundby, 41–60. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. Couldry, Nick, and Andreas Hepp. (2013) Conceptualising mediatization: Contexts, traditions, arguments. Communication Theory 23 (3): 191–202. Dâmaso, Mafalda. (2017) Unstable Mediation – Regarding the United Nations as a Visual Entity. Doctoral thesis. 43