Arts, Crafts, Music, & Events of Breckinridge County Issue 8, January 2016 | Page 33

or because Mrs. So and So has it on her walls. I want art because it looks like what it is supposed to look and because I like the subject. My dad’s great aunt helped raise him. Her husband kept mules when I was small. We called her husband Moore, which was his last name ( not Clarence, which was his first name). I don’t know why we called him that, but, Grandma(dad’s great aunt) called him Moore also when she talked to him. I guess whatever the reason the name we all called him was determined long before I came along. Moore never seemed to mind it, so why should we? He always answered when we used it. Now, when I was little, they tell me I was so fond of Moore that I cried for him if he left or wasn’t holding me, so, maybe, I started liking mules because Moore had mules and plowed with them, and it was a way to go with him, or like what he liked. Moore use to let me ride the mules back to the barn when he was finished with them for the day, as he held on to the reins. He also taught me that mules are pretty smart animals; they seldom, if ever, step on a plant of any type while plowing once they are trained. They never fight over which of them is pulling the heaviest load at work, unlike some people I know. They also work for a lot less than most people do; they don’t worry about wanting fancier things than they already have like people do. They just want a warm place to stay out of the wind, snow, and rain, and enough food to fill their empty stomachs. An extra ear of corn, some oats, or an apple is nice, but, they don’t demand such, if it is not offered. Moore also taught me that mules are smarter ani