Arts, Crafts, Music, & Events of Breckinridge County Issue 2, July 2015 | Page 34

Poetry Corner

a collection of original poems

Poetry - literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm

Poetry Corner

Small Beginnings

by Lois A. Tanner

In every acorn there lies an oak,

In each fire match, there is fire and smoke.

In every pit, awaits a juicy peach;

In every mind, lives ideas to share and teach.

From a tiny seed, a large olive tree grows,

And from simple words, a poem is composed.

From a wee babe, a grown man will emerge;

From different ideas, two thoughts will meet and merge.

From an underground spring, living water bubbles out,

Out of a tiny cloud, eventually dies famine and drought.

Out of a person who refuses to quit, when the road is rough,

Will come a being, who learns to trust, when times are tough.

© Lois A. Tanner