ARTiculAction Art Review - Special Issuue Aug. 2016 | Page 61

Petra Paul & Ophira Avisar ICUL CTION C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue from all big religions, except buddhism. Blood is after theories of Julia Kristeva (”The Powers of Horror. The Abject Body”) abject. It is on the border between inside and outside. ”It follows that jouissance alone causes the abject to exist as such.” The abjection is coextensive with the social and symbolic order. Excrements and menstrual blood are the uncleanest abjects. Kristeva wrote, abject is: ”Not me. Not that. But not nothing, either.” Using menstrual blood for me is also biographically, because it is my blood. I was very long alone with this theme, but 2015, there was a change. Kiran Gandhi ran a marathon in London, showing her menstrual blood. There was a big exhibition in Boston: ”Widening the Cycle: 29