ARTiculAction Art Review - Special Issuue Aug. 2016 | Page 56

ICUL CTION C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t Petra Paul & Ophira Avisar R e v i e w Special Issue important project: Or Ruth Beckermann made the video-installation ”the missing image” in front of Alfred Hrdlickas ”Memorial against War and Fascism”. It's absolutely remarkable how women impact the development of contemporary art: just to mention artists as pioneer of performance art Joan Jonas or crossdisciplinary artist Martha Rosler have actively produced irreversible changes in various paradigms related to art making. But while Martha Rosler's works often tried to incorporate cultural stereotypes into her analysis in order to subvert them, you rather seem to reject at all any attempt to accept any idea of woman that come from a male-driven cultural heritage. Do you think that there's an irreconcilable dichotomy between Feminism and the male dominated public space? Should we try to find hidden points of convergence or should we break any rapport between such antithetical points of view? Ophira Avisar: I am grateful to many brave woman artists predecessors for inserting to my world and mind so many powerful images and statements. I know there is still a lot of work to be done until we get to a natural legitimation to talk and to be listened. But thanks to my predecessors I feel I can naturally take, and we took, parts of the public space for my work. It work. It is mine because I think it is mine. I am aware to a certain inner contradiction but I think this confidence is part of the feministic art action. Me action being a woman is part of all my choices. To be is feminine. That's part of my encounter with Petra. We represent two ways with similar goals. I say again humor is uniting us. 26 re-recycling, 6,05 min., Tel Aiviv 2016 Petra Paul: Fact is the public space is male dominated in patriarchal societies. There are more male street names than streets named after women. At the University of Vienna, there were till this year monuments for 154 male scientists, now they put there also 7 women