ARTiculAction Art Review - Special Issuue Aug. 2016 | Page 188

ICUL CTION C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t Suzanne Smith R e v i e w Special Issue accumulation and resultant inappropriateness of the declarations of love. It's the accumulation and timing. The closest way of making to that was the billboard I made My Bottom Feels Funny. That same sense of being really, really tickled and almost daring myself to do it. In that case the idea came from being offered a billboard to make a piece of work for and being very much aware that I didn't have anything important enough to put on it (I didn't think anyone else did either, it's not a lack of confidence 22 thing more of a suspicion of grandiosity). It came out of a throwaway remark to a friend that I may as well write "my bottom feels funny" because what could I possibly say that was important enough to warrant a billboard. Then the idea of actually using that line as the work started to become a possibility. I became really interesting in how shocking people found it. People's gasps were fascinating (and very addictive). It's such a something-andnothing statement that doesn't use explicit language or imagery.