ARTiculAction Art Review - Special Issuue Aug. 2016 | Page 159

Marta Stysiak ICUL CTION C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue experiece I have has not directly put impact on me being an artist though it gaves me technical skills and put me through many situations in different environments and conflicts, which has given me a wider perspective when film or video making or other productions . As for documentary film expertise that I gained through commercial work is very important as it gave me the stamina of working on the set generaly. Making a film, documentary ir a video or whatever else is a constatnt struggle, struggle to get a good shot at the right time with the lighting you desire and the shot you want and never let it go even if that means getting up at 3 in the morning and always thinking what is good for the video/film, what would work better. So, working professionaly with a camera is my craft which helps in making art and translation the images I want into techical terms I must use. I used to take photographs on 35mm and 120 mm film and very recently changed to digital photography. I developed the films myself in darkroom and I think this is my main background as an artist, as I phisically learnt about the image, how it's being made but also how it could be demaged. And I think because my early training was on manual cameras, I seek this film look quality in my works. The grain on the image makes it harsh and I think at the same time more real. Why it takes so long the images were shot on 120 mm 20 year old or so film and I think the images there wouldn't look more natural and present otherwise. Your approach coherently encapsulates a wide variety of disciplines, ranging from photography to installation and video, revealing an organic investigation about aesthetic and social issue. The results 21