Artborne Magazine August 2016 | Page 27

Placebo #1, wood, sugar, gelatin capsules, metal, glass, ink with straight people and gay men; sometimes you don’t know you have anything. You could not know for a long time and be asymptomatic. But even if you are tested they will still deny you just because you are gay.   They test all the blood anyway. Exactly. And they find out in, I think it’s three days.   This piece,  Better Blood, made me stop and really think about it, especially after the shooting targeting an LGBT nightclub. All these people have been coming out to Orlando’s Art Scene, v. 1.2 support the LGBT community, and some are completely unaware that you guys can’t help yourselves. God, it has been one hell of a week. Going from the beginning, it was anger, resentment, and fear. Then it blossomed to gut-wrenching, whole body grief. I didn’t leave the house for a few days. Then I had talked to my grandfather, who has not always been the most accepting, but he said, “Look how many people came out to support you. Look how many people are here, they’re here for you.” Even though I can’t donate blood I know that people are. I had planned on one day going in, trying to do- nate blood, and lying - which is a felony - but the line was so long. I even tried to see if there was an appointment to be made, but it was 14 days out. That immediately made me question my place in the community. It was very weird because I almost got to let go of a few of my resentments. As angry as I am that I can’t donate blood, I know that people are helping and that people do support us. It’s been a weirdly, kinda poetic grief. It’s hard to understand.   Yeah, it’s been almost a mixed blessing, but I don’t even want to use the word blessing because that’s too optimistic. I 26