Artborne Magazine August 2016 | Page 12

The Couple, Altered Book and Digital Prints on Epson Velvet Fine by David Matteson. This confessional work explores a romantic relationship the artist shared with another man. The non-linear narrative of their emotional affair is layered on top of the 1971 text The Couple by Masters and Johnson. The installation is comprised of the original altered book (in the center of the heart) and larger prints of the pages scanned from the book. Measuring Orlando’s Pulse by Leah Sandler I left Orlando for school in Philadelphia a week after the tragedy at Pulse. My friends were still grieving, lines of people waiting to donate blood still stretched across many blocks in 100-degree weather, and names had just recently stopped being added to the list of victims. My newsfeed flooded with a range of emotions and reactions -- some angry and hurt; frustrated, confused; but also strong, hopeful, and full of love. There were (and still are) a lot of open wounds, particularly in the queer and latinx communities. 11 Pulse nightclub, on Latin Night, was a safe place for people who often couldn’t feel safe elsewhere. That atmosphere of fun, acceptance, and community at Pulse is something that has been fought for and hard-earned. There has been an outpouring of support, both locally and nationally, for Orlando, its queer communities, and the victims of the shooting. I wondered what I could contribute, as an artist and writer, and an Orlando native (born and raised) away from home. I think the best that I can do right now is defer to a few creative voices closer to the affected communities than myself. The artistic actions and sincere words of Ashley Inguanta, Sabrina Napolitano, and David Matteson beautifully express some of the ways our communities have begun to process these horrific events.