Art Pal 2017-2018 Semester 1 | Page 9

Mosaic Art Workshop 馬賽克鑲嵌藝術製作班 Tutors Ms Karen Pow Mr Chao Harn-kae Mosaic Artists 導師 鮑卓薇女士 曹涵凱先生 馬賽克藝術家 Mosaic is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of coloured glass, stone, or other materials. In this workshop you will learn about the materials and tools used in mosaic art. You will also get to design and create a unique portrait of a human or animal figure using found objects, clock movement kits or ceramic relief. Ms Karen Pow and Mr Chao Harn-kae have engaged in mosaic art for many years. They are experienced in creating large mosaic murals, in addition to taking part in community and educational art projects. 7 October – 2 December 2017 (Saturdays – 8 sessions, except general holiday on 28 October 2017) 馬賽克藝術是一種歷史久遠的傳統裝飾藝術,凡以多塊彩色 物料嵌製而成的圖案或壁畫,都可稱為馬賽克作品。 3 pm – 6 pm 在此製作班,學員可知曉製作馬賽克的物料和工具,更可親 自設計及製作以馬賽克鑲嵌而成的肖像畫(人像或動物), 並可在其中配以有趣的物件,例如時鐘芯或淺陶瓷浮雕。 Flat C, 4/F Kwong Ga Industrial Building 64 Victoria Road Kennedy Town, Hong Kong 鮑卓微女士和曹涵凱先生從事馬賽克鑲嵌藝術創作多年, 擅於創作大型馬賽克壁畫,並一直致力在社區推廣馬賽克 藝術。 * Material fee: $500 * The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese, supplemented with English. Visual Arts 視 覺 藝 術 7