Art Pal 2017-2018 Semester 1 | Page 17

A Feast of Art: Guided Tour by Mr Tang Hoi-chiu Art Next Expo 2017 藝術盛宴:鄧海超先生主持 2017新藝潮博覽會 Host Mr Tang Hoi-chiu Former Chief Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art 主持 鄧海超先生 前香港藝術館總館長 7 October 2017 (Saturday – 1 session) 3 pm – 5 pm PMQ 35 Aberdeen Street Central, Hong Kong Art Next Expo 2017 features art pieces by a group of around 80 young artists from various countries and regions, providing an opportunity for the next generation of talents to connect with the world of art professionals, collectors and curators. Led by the Art Next Expo 2017 Advisor Mr Tang Hoi-chiu, you can explore the outstanding creations of emerging contemporary artists in this two-hour guided tour. Mr Tang Hoi-chiu, former Chief Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, has curated a great number of exhibitions of both Chinese and Western art. He has also served as adjudicator and nominator for local and international art competitions. 2017新藝潮博覽會旨在為世界各地新進藝術家提供 一個平台,讓他們獲得藝術界關注,藉此得到藝術 工作者、收藏家及策展人的合作及支持。是次博覽會 顧問之一鄧海超先生將會帶領大家走進當代藝術的 領域,深入了解近八十位參展藝術家的作品及創作 理念。 鄧海超先生為前香港藝術館總館長,曾策劃多次中國 藝術、香港藝術及西方藝術展覽,並出任多項本地及 國際藝術比賽評審及提名人。 * The tour will be conducted in Cantonese. Visual Arts 視 覺 藝 術 15