Art Pal 2017-2018 Semester 1 | Page 11

Chinese Calligraphy Workshop – Clerical Script 中國書法 — 隸書班 Tutor Mr Lau Hok-ching Consultant of Samyu Calligraphy Association The workshop will provide you with a general grounding in calligraphy. You will be introduced to the basic skills and some of the special techniques of Chinese calligraphy. Using calligraphic works from the past and class demonstrations, Mr Lau Hok-ching will teach you how to write calligraphy using the Clerical Script. 導師 劉學清先生 三餘書學社顧問 9 October – 27 November 2017 (Mondays – 8 sessions) 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Y520 Mr Lau Hok-ching is an experienced tutor in the education sector and a passionate promotor of the Chinese arts. Having taught Chinese calligraphy classes for over 40 years, his tutelage enjoys great popularity. In the last two decades, Mr Lau has hosted more than 10 exhibitions displaying both his own work and that of his students. 本書法班將會簡介中國書法的歷史以及教授書寫隸書的 基本方法。導師劉學清先生會即席示範,並會教導學員 從隸書認識中國書法。 劉學清先生為本港資深書學導師,致力推廣中國書法 藝術,任教書學四十多年,桃李滿門。劉先生二十多年 來分別在香港中央圖書館、香港文化中心及各區大會堂 舉行十多次師生書法藝術聯展。 * Participants are required to bring along their own tools and materials. * The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese, supplemented with English. Visual Arts 視 覺 藝 術 9