Art & Inspiration N° 2 - Summer-Fall / Été-Automne 2013 | Page 5

Archetypes, Les archétypes

The Magnets of Connection: les aimants à relations

An Interview un entretien

with Caroline Myss avec Caroline Myss

Les archétypes:

les aimants à relations:

un entretien

avec Caroline Myss


hen you read books or watch movies that focus on the

highs and lows of an Artist, an Athlete or a Rebel, for example, do you feel like you can relate completely to the character’s story as if it could have been a scene from your own life? Or when you meet people with these characteristics, do you instantly feel like you are on the same wavelength with them and share a lot in common?

According to five-time New York Times bestselling author and human consciousness pioneer Caroline Myss, we are born knowing certain stories that become and shape part of who we are and that will accompany us throughout life. These stories and life experiences are held in the symbolic containers of archetypes, which are patterns of power that everyone recognizes. We will even choose relationships to match and fill those stories.

Through her own Healer-Intuitive archetype, Caroline was inspired to team up and train with Harvard-trained neurosurgeon Dr. C. Norman Shealy in the early 1980s. She and Dr. Shealy built the foundations and led the way for the field of medical intuition as she refined her skills as a medical intuitive to help people become aware of where their illnesses were coming from. In 1988, they co-authored The Creation of Health together and in 1996 Caroline wrote Anatomy of the Spirit, followed by Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can in 1998. Her book Sacred Contracts, published in 2002, explores how each person has twelve primary archetypes and that we are destined to encounter certain people and situations through these archetypes as part of our life journey. Grace, mysticism and healing would be the focus of her next books, Invisible Acts of Power, Entering the Castle and Defy Gravity. Archetypes: Who are You?, Caroline’s latest book that was published in 2013, features ten archetypal patterns – including the Artist, the Athlete and the Rebel - that represent the ten main power issues individuals are facing today. In this book, she shares insights into the universal lesson, defining grace, inner shadow and lifestyle challenge of each archetype.

Art & Inspiration is honored to interview Caroline Myss and explore the world of archetypes and Sacred Contracts with her. She takes us on a journey of how we relate to and are attracted to each other through our archetypes, how to recognize when we have a Sacred Contract with someone, how to deal with archetypal conflicts, how cultural conditionings influence our archetypes, and which archetypal patterns need our urgent attention today. Caroline also shares her insights on inspiration and staying congruent.


When you read books or watch movies that focus on the highs and lows of an Artist, an Athlete or a Rebel, for example, do you feel like you can relate completely to the character’s story as if it could have been a scene from your own life? Or when you meet people with these characteristics, do you instantly feel like you are on the same wavelength with them and share a lot in common?

According to five-time New York Times bestselling author and human consciousness pioneer Caroline Myss, we are born knowing certain stories that become and shape part of who we are and that will accompany us throughout life. These stories and life experiences are held in the symbolic containers of archetypes, which are patterns of power that everyone recognizes. We will even choose relationships to match and fill those stories.

Through her own Healer-Intuitive archetype, Caroline was inspired to team up with Harvard-trained neurosurgeon Dr. C. Norman Shealy in the early 1980s. She and Dr. Shealy built the foundations and led the way for the field of medical intuition as she refined her skills as a medical intuitive to help people become aware of where their illnesses were coming from. In 1988, they co-authored The Creation of Health together and in 1996 Caroline wrote Anatomy of the Spirit, followed by Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can in 1998. Her book Sacred Contracts, published in 2002, explores how each person has twelve primary archetypes and that we are destined to encounter certain people and situations through these archetypes as part of our life journey. Grace, mysticism and healing would be the focus of her next books, Invisible Acts of Power, Entering the Castle and Defy Gravity. Archetypes: Who are You?, Caroline’s latest book that was published in 2013, features ten archetypal patterns – including the Artist, the Athlete and the Rebel - that represent the ten main power issues individuals are facing today. In this book, she shares insights into the universal lesson, defining grace, inner shadow and lifestyle challenge of each archetype.

Art & Inspiration is honored to interview Caroline Myss and explore the world of archetypes and Sacred Contracts with her. She takes us on a journey of how we relate to and are attracted to each other through our archetypes, how to recognize when we have a Sacred Contract with someone, how to deal with archetypal conflicts, how cultural conditionings influence our archetypes, and which archetypal patterns need our urgent attention today. Caroline also shares her insights on inspiration and staying congruent as well as her favorite artists and the inspirations in her own life.


hen you read books or watch movies that focus on

the highs and lows of an Artist, an Athlete or a Rebel, for example, do you feel like you can relate completely to the character’s story as if it could have been a scene from your own life? Or when you meet people with these characteristics, do you instantly feel like you are on the same wavelength with them and share a lot in common?

According to five-time New York Times bestselling author and human consciousness pioneer Caroline Myss, we are born knowing certain stories that become and shape part of who we are and that will accompany us throughout life. These stories and life experiences are held in the symbolic containers of archetypes, which are patterns of power that everyone recognizes. We will even choose relationships to match and fill those stories.

Through her own Healer-Intuitive archetype, Caroline was inspired to team up with Harvard-trained neurosurgeon Dr. C. Norman Shealy in the early 1980s. She and Dr. Shealy built the foundations and led the way for the field of medical intuition as she refined her skills as a medical intuitive to help people become aware of where their illnesses were coming from. In 1988, they co-authored The Creation of Health together and in 1996 Caroline wrote Anatomy of the Spirit, followed by Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can in 1998. Her book Sacred Contracts, published in 2002, explores how each person has twelve primary archetypes and that we are destined to encounter certain people and situations through these archetypes as part of our life journey. Grace, mysticism and healing would be the focus of her next books, Invisible Acts of Power, Entering the Castle and Defy Gravity. Archetypes: Who are You?, Caroline’s latest book that was published in 2013, features ten archetypal patterns – including the Artist, the Athlete and the Rebel - that represent the ten main power issues individuals are facing today. In this book, she shares insights into the universal lesson, defining grace, inner shadow and lifestyle challenge of each archetype.

Art & Inspiration is honored to interview Caroline Myss and explore the world of archetypes and Sacred Contracts with her. She takes us on a journey of how we relate to and are attracted to each other through our archetypes, how to recognize when we have a Sacred Contract with someone, how to deal with archetypal conflicts, how cultural conditionings influence our archetypes, and which archetypal patterns need our urgent attention today. Caroline also shares her insights on inspiration and staying congruent as well as her favorite artists and the inspirations in her own life.

Archetypes, Les archétypes

The Magnets of Connection: les aimants à relations:

An Interview un interview

with Caroline Myss avec Caroline Myss

Zoom sur les archétypes

Quand vous lisez des livres ou regardez des films qui racontent les hauts et les bas de la vie d'un Artiste, Athlète ou Rebelle, avez-vous l’impression de pouvoir vous identifier au personnage et que vous auriez très bien pu vivre la même chose ? Et lorsque vous rencontrez des gens présentant ces caractéristiques, avez-vous l'impression dès le premier contact d’être sur la même longueur d’onde qu’eux et avec tout un tas de choses en commun ?

Selon Caroline Myss, auteur New York Times bestseller cinq années de suite, mais aussi pionnière en matière de conscience humaine, nous naissons conscients d’histoires qui participent à modeler l’être que nous sommes, et qui nous accompagnent tout au long de notre vie. Ces histoires et ces vécus se trouvent dans les enveloppes symboliques que sont les archétypes, lesquels présentent des modèles de pouvoir que chacun reconnaîtra. On est même enclin à choisir nos relations en fonction de ce qui pourra compléter ces histoires et s’accorder avec elles.

Via son propre archétype de Guérisseuse-Intuitive, Caroline a eu l’idée au début des années 80 de faire équipe avec le neurochirurgien C. Norman Shealy, formé à Harvard. Tous deux ont ouvert la voie au champ de l’intuition médicale et établi ses bases, tandis que Caroline peaufinait ses talents en guérison intuitive pour aider les gens à identifier les origines de leur maladie. En 1988, ils ont co-écrit La création de la santé et en 1996 Caroline a écrit Anatomie de l'Esprit suivi de Pourquoi les gens ne guérissent pas et comment ils peuvent en 1998. Son livre Contrats Sacrés, publié en 2002, explore les douze archétypes primaires de chaque individu, et explique en quoi ils nous destinent à faire certaines rencontres et à vivres certaines situations au cours de notre vie. La grâce, le mysticisme et la guérison seront le sujet principal de ses prochains livres. Actes invisibles de pouvoir, Entrer dans le château et Défier la gravité. Archetypes: Who are You? (Archétypes: Qui êtes vous?), le dernier livre de Caroline publié en 2013, présente dix modèles archétypaux, dont l’Artiste, l’Athlète et le Rebelle. Ces dix modèles correspondent aux dix problèmes fondamentaux que nous devons principalement surmonter de nos jours. Dans ce livre, elle propose de mieux comprendre la leçon universelle, définit la grâce, l’ombre intérieure et explique les défis de chaque style de vie qu’implique un archétype.

Art & Inspiration a l’honneur d’interviewer Caroline Myss et d’explorer avec elle le monde des archétypes et des Contrats Sacrés. Elle nous entraîne dans un voyage consacré aux relations et attractions que nous avons les uns par rapport aux autres en fonction de nos archétypes, elle nous apprend à reconnaître quand nous avons un Contrat Sacré avec quelqu’un, comment gérer les conflits archétypaux, comment le conditionnement culturel influence nos archétypes et quels modèles archétypaux aujourd’hui requièrent le plus notre attention. Caroline partage avec nous la façon dont elle conçoit l’inspiration, nous explique comment être en harmonie avec soi-même, mais nous confie aussi ses artistes préférés et ce qui l’inspire dans sa vie.

Photo © Caroline Myss