ART Habens Contemporary Art Review | Page 88

ART Habens Poya Raissi Choosing a subject isn't a structured and regular way for me. Sometimes it begins with that story telling idea or a different visionary form. Metaphors or existence of any semiotics dimensions has primacy for me because it can evoke the viewer's mind more and involve it into discover meaningful elements. I spent some time at university studying theoreticians like Roland Barthes and Umberto Eco, such great semioticians. Surely every day life experience influence the creativity, but it's not all the process, it was important the facial features of characters show a deep depression and wistfulness that I had inspired from the daily routine, but this influence doesn't incorporate entirety and completeness of the work, I take streak elements and ideas from life as raw materials and then bring it to the development process, I try to not just represent it, according to theories in sociology of art, the relation of an art form with its society and conditions aren't disconnected. We can talk more about the “intensity” of this direct experience independently. Special Issue I think that a quality arises when this combination occurs , in which some subjects become more attractive from their normal states. Paykan is a vehicle every Iranian from the world knows it and probably have some memories with it, producing it is ceased for many years but still you can see it in the streets. At the current time 23 4 05