ART Habens Contemporary Art Review | Page 196

ART Habens Camille Danielle Wortman did, the fact that I saw women covered from head to toe, treated like mere possesions , then freed by an intelligent man and the fact that the attitude towards women has regretfully regressed awfully has a very strong impact on my work! The more men want to hide women, the more I want to shaw them, the more they want to keep them away from the sacred place, the more I want to put them in those very sacred places, whether mosques synaguogues or churches! Women are not impure, they are not the devil ,tantalysing men into perdition, enough is enough! We are neither saints nor satan, just human beings , made of flesh and blood and if men have a soul, so have we! I never know what colour I am going to use while I paint, all my jars of paint and my tubes of paint are laying at the feet of my work and end up on the dining room table as I use them straight from the jars or the tubes, I don’t mix my paint on a palette but straight away on my canvas or pad , and depending on my mood, I suppose, my colours are quiet or intense or both on the same painting because of the dichotomy that is in me at the time . I wish I knew more about the process of creation, but it just happens. And yet, I know most of the time, when the painting is finished, and the work done.. weird isn’t it? I am influenced by what I have studied and admired I am impressed by the art in Pompei as much as by Picasso or Modigliani, or Degas. I admire the art of the cave man as well as the egyptian art and as well as the more modern art, but to tell you the truth I am not impressed by the new classical music... and yet, I am a lover of classical music, I am not impressed when I go and visit a contemporary art exhibition, I am not too impressed by nonsensical writing either... What can I do, Dadaisme has had its time and it is time to move on, enough of gimmicks and games and all the Special Issue 23 4 05