ART Habens Contemporary Art Review | Page 184

ART Habens
Camille Danielle Wortman
languages with ease and opened my mind to people different from me . And yes , I have seen women covered from head to toe in their white veil , but I have also witnessed their freedom when President Bourguiba came to power and this is the reason why I feel so much anger in front of the regression in the attitude towards women . Well , I have tried to answer this first question to the best of my ability . As you know , English is not my mother tongue and I am sure that my style is far from good , so I beg you to take that into consideration . Thank you .
I Paint most of my free time . I have set up my dining room – lounge-kitchen in a certain manner that enables me to paint as much as I want and to have everything I need to do so at hand and ready to be used ! My husband has set a large board against the wall , thirty centimeters away from the large dining room table , and underneath that board , the floor is lined with thick brown paper where all my material is set . I live with my work . I usually have no clue of what the outcome is going to be when I start : I scribble with one colour or another , another colour calling another and so on . I am just playing ! It can take a few hours , and then when I give it a rest and can look at the result from the other side of the table , I sometimes see something that is emerging out this chaos , and often it is linked to a verse , mine or someone else , and then I know that I have a direction and I start the battle seriously . Time flies , I am glued to the canvas , apparently unable to see all of it , and yet , after a few hours , when I move back , it does make sense and I am left wondering what in the hell happened , what moved my brushes and who chose the colours ! I work and I work laying layers of paint , after layers of paint before anything is dry , and honestly I don ’ t know how It gets done . I use my hands , my brushes , the tubes of paint , and I always remember what my mum used to say to me whenever I was helping her in the kitchen :” balbaza ”, an arabic word that meant ” mess maker ”! Yes , I am a mess maker ! I wish I knew the formula for making a good painting , but I don ’ t and I grope in the dark untill I see the light ! No , I
Special Issue
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