ART Habens Contemporary Art Review | Page 178

ART Habens
Amanda Graham
Positive or negative , human connection is the essence of human life . We need to connect with each other so that we can make sense of things around us . This is why the creative industries is so important to shaping a better world . There is a definite need to express ourselves but with every expression there is also a need for understanding . I believe to truly understand something there has to be participation between others . When I create artwork I always consider how others would perceive the message .
I recently participated in a group exhibition in London and the best thing about doing events like these is generating real connection with real people . Artist today can connect with people all over the globe because of the internet and social media . However , deep connection can be lacking on-line and you never truly get a sense of true intention of the viewer . To connect with people in the real world is incomparable and I believe only exhibitions and produce that kind of relationship .
I have created Murals past and I am looking forward to produce more also would love to see my surface prints on clothes .
An interview by and curator
, curator
Special Issue
23 405