ART Habens Contemporary Art Review | Page 118

ART Habens Augustine Tellez I believe without a reaction there will be no opposite or opposing reaction. As much as I need to paint. I need the viewers to appreciate what I do. With each work I am completely open to the idea of someone's own translation of my work. I try to keep in touch and remember everyone that has taken a painting home. I prefer to meet all that come to the shows. Good conversation and good people tend to surround me when I stay positive. I try to keep people engaged as much as possible. The only reason to create visual art is to be seen. For a long time hardly anyone saw my work. I think the viewers opinion and participation is huge. Not often do I get a chance to hear from the viewers. Even if someone isn't really feeling my painting it's fine. We all like different things it's ok. It only drives me to create something to attract another set of viewers. I honestly love to hear people's interpretation of my work. I paint to connect with people on a whole other level. Of course. I plan on continuing my work with wildlife, flowers and dancers. Find bigger projects such as murals to work on. Also, revisit some of my older works and giving them an updated spin. Push a little more to focus on details and colors. This year I'm trying to expand in each of my styles. I believe “You are only as big as your environment.” I plan on evolving my style with each new painting. Constantly updating and trying to grow as an artist. You can't be the biggest fish in the sea if you stay in your fish bowl. Again, thank you for this opportunity. An interview by and Special Issue 23 4 05 , curator curator